Thursday, August 30, 2007

How to make strong passwords

Our passwords can be guessed or obtained by dictionary attacks. To protect our private data and resources, we must have passwords that cannot be guessed and that don't appear in dictionaries.

Next, a few recommendations to make our passwords more secure:
You must avoid using dates, names and dictionary words.
You should use letters (lower case and upper case), mixed with numbers and symbols.
You should change your passwords periodically.

Given the difficulty that may involve remembering a password like 'ñF(fh3#"$j9', you can use the following technique to make the labor less hard:
Think a phrase (five or more words) that means something to you. In this example I'll use 'To be or not to be'. Then take a number (three or four digits) that you can remember (I'll use 1234). No with all this, you take the first letter of each word (one upper case, one lower case) and you mix it with the digits of the number you chose. If you always use the same keyboard layout (or if you can remember it by heart), you may convert numbers into symbols by pressing the 'shift' key.
Following this example , my keyword would be:

This is just a base, you may alter this idea, for instance you may begin with numbers, or two letters for each number, or use the second letter of each word, etc. Use your imagination!

You now have the basis for having strong passwords easy to remember.

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